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  • Writer's pictureJoanna Proffitt

Gym Tales: A Rollercoaster Ride of Sweat, Strains, and Selfies

Hey there, fellow fitness enthusiasts, gym rats, and occasional treadmill walkers! Today, let's embark on a journey through the exhilarating (and exasperating) world of gym workouts.

Yes, strap on those sweatbands and grab your water bottles because we're diving into the ups and downs of working out in the temple of iron!

The Morning Hustle

Picture this: it's 3:45 AM, and your alarm clock is blaring like a banshee. You hit snooze for the fifth time, contemplating the life choices that led you to this moment.

In fact this is my life as a gym-rat, I question how I got to this exact moment. But then, a surge of determination kicks in, or my determination to not be a .... insert word of your choice here. So now I'm up and channeling Ronnie Coleman, dragging myself out of bed and putting on whatever gym clothes my hands seem to find in the semi dark bedroom because light at this exact moment will turn me into Dracula.

The Cardio Conundrum

Ah, cardio. The necessary evil of any workout routine. You hop on the treadmill, feeling like a gazelle ready to sprint across the savannah... until you realize you're more like a baby giraffe learning to walk (cute but feeling awkward).

Your limbs flail, your breath comes in wheezy gasps, and you swear the person next to you is judging your speed (spoiler alert: they're not, in fact they are hating life at the moment too). But hey, at least you're burning calories and contemplating life's deepest mysteries between strides, right?

Don't forget cardio can be easier, walking at an incline will burn calories as well, follow the simple 12-3-30 rule. 12 incline level or highest incline the treadmill will go, 3 speed setting, and at least 30 minutes.

Cardio can also be lunges, farmers carry, or a medley for time ..... or get crazy with it a dance like no one is watching (P.S. we are all watching but who cares!). The goal here should be to challenge yourself and get the heart pumping.

Weights, Reps, and Redemption

Now we enter the realm of the weights, where muscles are forged and egos are tested. Don't be the Ego Lifter, the male or female that decides to lift too much weight with crappy form!

As you approach the dumbbell rack with a mix of excitement and trepidation, ready to lift your own body weight... or maybe just the 5-pounders for now (remember time under tension is just as great as heavy lifts, each has a time and place).

As you pump iron like a seasoned pro (or a slightly confused newbie), you catch a glimpse of your reflection (don't be a mirror creeper either) and can't help but admire the burgeoning biceps or wonder if your form resembles a baby bird learning to fly. It's all part of the journey, folks! Remember form is key to every lift, perfect the form with light weights before adding more weight t your training program.

The Social Scene

Ah, the gym, where strangers become gym buddies and personal trainers are the unsung heroes of our fitness sagas (sometimes). Please for the love of all weightlifters before .... DO NOT use Instagram influencers as your go to for fitness advice unless they have a proven track record. Remember Instagram can set unrealistic standards of perfection. Instagram does contain heavily edited and filtered images (shocking, I know!!) which can lead to feelings of inadequacy and a negative body image. Don't put that in your bucket when coming to the gym ..... trust me everyone feels like a whale learning to swim on land! An no ones butt looks that good without the butt crack hugging leggings.

As you become part of the community and exchange nods of solidarity with fellow lifters, share knowing smiles during yoga class, and occasionally bond over the existential dread of leg day (DO NOT skip leg day). Just remember your journey is completely different than the person standing next to you but you share the daily challenge and struggle that is the gym jungle.

The Selfie

Let's not forget the ultimate gym accessory (maybe not the accessory we all need): the selfie. Because if you didn't post about your workout, did it even happen? In the 21st century this is the question similar to Shakespeare's .....

Believe it or not, there was a world before Instagram. It was fine! Actually .... I miss that world daily and for those of us who lived in that world a lot of the stupid things we did and survived through will forever remain in our minds or not exist at all. Remember not everything in life needs to be posted to Instagram so don't feel the need to post if you don't want to!

The next part of this is for those people that need a whole camera crew for their set up! Its a gym, not a studio. You set up a tripod in the gym, I'm telling you now it has a survivability of 50%. Depending on the gym taking selfies will at least get you some weird looks to being kicked out. The key here is just to be mindful when taking those pictures and videos during a workout and be watchful of others.

The Aftermath

As you bid farewell to the gym and step back into the real world, a sense of accomplishment washes over you like a post-workout protein shake.

Sure, there were moments of struggle and embarrassment (looking at you, accidental treadmill faceplant), but you emerged stronger, sweatier, and slightly more enlightened than before. And isn't that what the gym journey is all about?

So, fellow gym-goers, whether you're a seasoned pro or a clueless newbie, let's raise our water bottles to the ups and downs of working out.

Because no matter how many times we trip on the treadmill or struggle with that last rep, we're all in this together, one squat at a time. Now go forth and embrace the sweaty chaos of the gym – your gains await!

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