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  • Writer's pictureJoanna Proffitt

Navigating the Gym Jungle: A Comical Guide to Gym Etiquette

Welcome, fellow gym goers, to the wild and wonderful world of the gym! Whether you're a seasoned gym-rat or a fresh-faced newbie, one thing's for sure: navigating the gym jungle requires more than just muscles; it requires a healthy dose of etiquette (manners).

So, grab your water bottle and towel, and let's embark on this comical journey through the do's and don'ts of gym life.

Rule # 1 : Thou Shalt Not Hoard Equipment

Ah, the territorial gym-goer, guarding their equipment like a dragon with its treasure. We've all encountered them—the ones who claim dibs on multiple machines, benches, and dumbbells, as if they're building a personal fortress. Listen, buddy, this isn't a game of gym monopoly.

Share the wealth, and let others have a turn. Remember, karma has a way of re-racking your weights when you least expect it.

Rule # 2 : Thou Shalt Practice Personal Hygiene

There's a special place in gym etiquette hell for those who neglect personal hygiene. Picture this: you're innocently working out, minding your own business, when suddenly, an invisible cloud of funk envelops you. It's like a toxic mist from the pits of gym Hades.

Please, for the love of all that is holy, shower, wear deodorant, and launder your gym clothes regularly. Your fellow gym-goers will thank you, and so will their nostrils.

Rule # 3 : Thou Shalt Respect Personal Space

Ah, the unwritten law of personal space—a concept lost on some gym enthusiasts. Nothing kills the vibe faster than someone invading your workout bubble. Whether it's standing too close during stretches or accidentally spraying you with sweat mid-rep, remember: there's plenty of gym real estate for everyone.

So, unless you're offering a spot or doling out high-fives, keep a respectful distance. Your fellow gym-goers will appreciate not having to dodge your flailing limbs.

Rule # 4 : Thou Shalt Clean Up After Thyself

Attention, members of the messy gym brigade: the janitorial staff (Mike and I) is and will not be your personal maid service.

Leaving a trail of sweat, chalk dust, and discarded equipment in your wake is not only disrespectful but downright hazardous. Nobody wants to slip on your sweat puddle or trip over your abandoned dumbbells. So, do yourself—and everyone else—a favor: wipe down equipment after use, re-rack your weights, and toss your trash in the bin. It's called basic decency, folks.

Rule # 5 : Thou Shalt Not Be a Gym Narcissist

We get it, you're proud of your gains—and you should be! But there's a fine line between confidence and gym narcissism. Nobody likes the guy who spends more time flexing in the mirror than actually lifting weights. Nobody likes tripods on the gym floor, pictures and videos yes but a whole camera set up!!! Nope and Nope!

In conclusion, dear gym enthusiasts, let's strive to make the gym a harmonious sanctuary of sweat and gains. By adhering to these humorous yet essential rules of gym etiquette, we can create a space where everyone feels welcome, respected, and free to unleash their inner fitness warrior. Now, go forth and conquer those weights—with courtesy, of course.


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