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  • Writer's pictureJoanna Proffitt

The Hilarious Gym Chronicles: A Tale of Weighty Responsibilities

Welcome to the sweaty sanctuary of self-improvement, where iron meets perspiration, and the occasional grunting is the sacred hymn. Yes, you've guessed it right; we're diving into the whimsical world of gym etiquette or manners which there is already a blog about but lets face it there is one specific topic that is always overlooked and pushed under the rug... or "innocently forgotten"!

You guessed it ... the art of cleaning up your weights and equipment the right way!!!

Weight Hoarders

Firstly, let's address the enigmatic creatures known as "weight hoarders." These elusive beings seem to believe that leaving a trail of dumbbells and kettlebells in their wake is the ultimate flex.

Have I witnessed this personally yes, do I judge them... why yes, yes I do!!! I can't help it because (let's be honest with ourselves here) when this occurs it looks ridiculous!

But fear not, for we mere mortals have devised a cunning plan to combat their chaotic tendencies: the power of passive-aggressive notes.

Oh yes, nothing screams "Please clean up after yourself" like a strategically placed sticky note on their favorite bench. Except at Lyft Station you'll have a tiny cyclone name Jo! I hate talking to people about something as simple as cleaning up but it does happen.

The worst is when you have to clean up 45lb plates because someone can't put them back on the weight racks .... folks .... I got my work out in already and I do not need your help!

Put the Weight Plates Back

Now, onto the treacherous terrain of gym equipment. There will always be pieces of equipment that are loaded on the regular, we all know this. But when Hulk makes an appearance in the gym and loads any equipment whether that is any bar, yokes, sled, XPO, or logs works out and leaves the weight on it!!! Come on, man!!! Take those plates off the equipment.

It's simple really! You took all those plates out from a weight rack and decided to workout. Make it easier on everyone else, and FINISH your workout by cleaning up your weights from the equipment. I do not feel like lifting 8 45lbs of a bar or the yoke because you are tired!

Sanitation Squad

And let's not forget the unsung heroes of the gym: the sanitation squad. No, it isn't a fairy coming into the gym and cleaning, Mike and I are the ones that clean. Trust me when I say this people are gross in general ...... I know this because I clean the bathrooms!

We arm ourselves with an arsenal of disinfectant sprays and paper towels, wading fearlessly (sometimes fearful) into the germ-infested battlegrounds, ready to vanquish any lurking bacteria. With a spritz here and a wipe there, they transform the gym into a sanctuary of cleanliness, where the only thing you catch is gains.


But amidst the chaos and camaraderie, there lies a profound truth: cleaning up after yourself is not just about maintaining order or control; it's a testament to RESPECT.

  1. Respect for your fellow gym-goers who share the same space and equipment.

  2. Respect for Mike and Jo who work tirelessly to keep the facility running smoothly.

  3. And most importantly, respect for yourself, because let's face it, nobody wants to be known as the guy who left a trail of sweat and discarded weights in his wake.

Mike and I have worked out in many spaces from commercial gyms to sheds and the one thing remains clear whether the gym is a "grunge" or not .... you have to keep the space clean. If you didn't clean up your ....insert your word here .... there were consequences in the gyms Mike went to from being thrown out (literally thrown) to fights to plates being thrown at you to being yelled at in front of God and everyone.

So, the next time you're tempted to skip the cleanup and make a hasty exit, remember this: in the grand tapestry of gym culture, your ACTIONS speak volumes.

Don't be lazy, you finish your workout which includes cleaning up your .... insert your word choice here. For in the end, a clean gym is a happy gym, and a happy gym is where gains flourish and legends are born.


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